2003-03-29 22:45:53
Neil Trump
As moderator of this Forum, I am reluctant to intervene in what is obviously an animated discussion between various individuals. Normally I am content to allow self-policing to take place and this has been the case on a number of occasions in the past.

However, I have recently observed that the tone of one individual has become increasingly personal and unnecessarily derogatory to other members of the Forum and to Ricardians in general.

Whereas I welcome all views about Richard and his times on this Forum for without a variety of opinion we would not have open debate, I will not tolerate the Forum degenarating into personal abuse and being used as a platform for an individual's dislike of others' opinions and beliefs.

May I please remind people of the Forum's terms of reference which are clearly stated on the Yahoo! Home Page and of the code of conduct expected by those using our Forum.

Debate between those of differing views and opinions is encouraged but must be constructive, objective and not personal and insulting in approach.

If a member insists on flouting this code of conduct then I shall have no choice but to terminate his/her membership of the Forum which will be a great shame.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Neil Trump
Webmaster and Moderator

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