found the source of story Richard wore his crown into battle at Bos

found the source of story Richard wore his crown into battle at Bos

2003-01-06 20:42:03
Dora Smith
I'm sitting at work printing out parts ot the library; being a
new temporary right after Christmas not a whole lot else to do. I
wish I could get the collection of online stuff stored on my home
computer to my yahoo drive, which won't work, but oh well.

The document that contains the statement that Richard put his full
ceremonial crown on his head and wroe it into the battle at Bosworth
is in a document at It is
part of a collection of contemporary accounts of Bosworth. On
another page are the accounts of Rous, and either Croyland or
Mancini. Rous said that Richard had his crown and a whole mass of
treasure with him when he was struck down in battle, but unreasonable
to think he was wearing all this stuff or carrying it on his horse in
the battle! The first document, which is the other document included
in "Road to Bosworth Field", says he wore it in a procession a few
days before the battle.

The statement that he actually wore it into battle was from a foreign
source, in Castille, no other information about it.

I still think it wouldn't have stayed on top of his helmet for half a


Re: [Richard III Society Forum] found the source of story Richard w

2003-01-06 21:07:24
Laura Blanchard
At 08:42 PM 1/6/03 -0000, Dora wrote:

>The statement that he actually wore it into battle was from a foreign
>source, in Castille, no other information about it.
>I still think it wouldn't have stayed on top of his helmet for half a

I can't imagine that Richard would have worn the "most precious" crown into
battle -- think of the risk of it being damaged. More likely, it seems to
me, is that Richard may have worn the crown the day before and then
switched to something else for the battle itself. Possibly something about
which crown was worn when was lost in the translation for Diego de Valera.

Laura Blanchard
lblancha@... (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special
Collections Libraries
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