R3 Books

R3 Books

2002-12-30 04:15:48
Julie Faries
Hi List,
I realize a list like this is not to be used for any form of solicitation. However, I would just like to mention that I am just about to send a box of my "duplicates" off to a book dealer, (who specializes in Bronte, but will take any English History) and thought I would list them here first as they are very specific to the interest of the list, and the question has arisen lately about Ricardian books to buy. If anyone is interested they can contact me. I dont know if any of them are hard to find or not, I have collected books on this topic for quite a while.

Epochs of Modern History - The Houses of Lancaster and York, 1905.
Epochs of Modern History - The Early Plantagenets, 1909.

Richard III The Great Debate (More's History of King Richard III, Walpole's Historic Doubts, 1965 reissued 1992.

To Prove a Villain, The Case Of King Richard III by Taylor Littleton and Robert Rea.1964. Contains "The Daughter of Time"
and Shakespeare's Tradgedy of King Richard the Third, as well as selections from More, Vergil, Dickens, etc etc. This was from a college course which attempted to present through literature... the pros and the cons.

A Trail of Blood, by Jeremy Potter, fiction 1970. Where else would one of the missing princes turn up... but the Croyland Monastery? I thought this was brilliant, but what else does one expect from Mr Potter? This is the book that first started my interest.

The Princes in the Tower, Alison Weir, 1992, yeah yeah yeah.

Royal Blood, Richard III and the Mystery of the Princes, Bertram Fields, 1998. This Fields guy is a lawyer, righto, nice illustrations.

Richard the Third, Paul Murray Kendall, 1955.

Richard III, A study in Service, Rosemary Horrox. 1991. From the Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought series. Really really interesting, it empasizes the role of the king's servants, a study of royal patronage. Reads like a textbook, well it is a textbook.

The Mystery of the Princes, Audrey Williamson, 1978. This book won the Crime Writer's Gold Dagger Award. Anyway it has nice photos and is easy to read, with sources and references listed.

The Princes in the Tower, Elizabeth Jenkins, 1978. The first R3 book I ever read.

Richard III, Charles Ross, 1981. illustrated.

Richard III, England's Black Legend, Desmond Seward, 1984. Well it wouldnt be much fun if we were ALL revisionists.

Richard III and the Princes in the Tower. AJ Pollard, 1991. This is like a coffee table book, lots of beautiful illustrations and color plates on every page. Beautiful book.

The Wars of the Roses, Alison Weir, 1995. yeah yeah yeah.

The Wars of the Roses, Through the lives of 5 Men and Women of the 15th Century, Desmond Seward, 1995. Beautiful color plates. Contents: William Hastings, John De Vere, Lady Margaret Beaufort, John Morton, Jane Shore (mistress of well... almost everybody). Interesting presentation, keeps one interested in the subject and people.

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